“Fear is like fire. It can cook your food or burn your house down.” - Cus D’Amato
Read MoreThere’s a part of me that I just broke away from.
That didn’t want me to write what I’m about to write.
Read MoreSing your song. If for no one else, do it for yourself. If for no other reason, do it for the sake of doing it. Make that ‘what if’ feeling an after thought. Get yourself to a point where it’s a ‘never was.’ There is something in you. There is in all of us. And not just one thing, it can be plenty. Hopes and desires. Goals and achievements. Can’t think of any? Haven’t found it yet?
Read MoreThey have an uncanny ability to perceive reality, dissect it and present it to the rest of us in ways that relieve us of the veils we’ve wrapped around our own perceptions.
Read MoreYou can’t wait for everything to be ok, to live your life.
Read MorePerfection is a bitch, isn’t it? Is it? - I haven’t achieved it so I wouldn’t know. But striving for it, sure is. I believe one should want and expect their output to be of top notch quality, in whichever field you’re producing in. But when your input in terms of work, stress and opportunity cost, far exceeds the quality of your output, something is off.
Read MoreI’m not sure about the exact date that Podcasting became my my very-close-second love, but I do remember the day vividly. It happened almost instantly actually. A manifestation of love at first listen. One morning I was commuting to my nine-to-five. Taking the A train from Queens (the 104th Street station on Liberty Ave) the one that makes express stops (except for the often times when it switches to make local stops due to a sick passenger or signal issues or some other inaudible reason mumbled by the uninterested conductor) through Brooklyn and into downtown Manhattan (the Fulton Street station).
Read More“You can plan a pretty picnic but you can’t predict the weather.” - Outkast (Ms. Jackson)
First Piece:
Here’s to all you control freaks out there. Myself included. You can only influence what is in your power. The things within your orbit. But there are forces at play in this experience we call life, that we don’t now nor never will have the ability to control.
Read MoreShe sang to him. Softly in his ear, right there on the idle street corner. He sat on his walker’s chair, staring into space as her melodic tone anticipated him having a glimpse at their past long life together. I hope he got to see.
Read MoreDraft one. It’s half way open.
Draft two. It’s completely flattened out.
Final draft. You iron it out, to pristine condition.
Read MoreI don’t remember who said this during John Lewis’ memorial. Or if they were quoting him or attributing this statement to his legacy…but it is fitting isn’t it? A lifelong activist and champion of moral causes.
Read More“People think love is red. it’s not, it’s blue. It’s like water, it’s not like fire.”
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