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Is Love Red or Blue?

Rap Radar Episode 39

Will Smith

“People think love is red. It’s not, it’s blue. It’s like water, it’s not like fire.”

Will mentioned this as something Jada told him that resonated with him…and it stood out to me. Red and fire symbolize heat, a burning desire. In relation to love it’s an unquenchable need to be with your better half. A devotion and kinship to your family and closest friends. Love, in my perspective, is all of those things, but it goes beyond. It incorporates more. Blue and water symbolize peace, tranquility, soothing, freshness. The ability to quench the thirst for love by realizing that it’s something fluid. It goes everywhere and anywhere. True love, like water, sticks around through the ups and downs. It carries and harbors the fire and devotion. It facilitates the routes that they [fire and devotion] navigate through.

~ Monday 06.17.2019 @ 4:26pm