It’s a disappointing time. On so many levels. From so many angles. POV after POV after POV tainted with a tinge of distrust. Where we no longer expect the next man or woman to do what’s right by default. Where winning an arbitrary tug of war means more than lives.
Read MoreIt can be hard to make the changes you want to make.
Even when you really want to make them.
Even when you plan.
Even when you schedule things.
Read MoreWhat comes easily to you? What do you have a natural inclination towards? I like to write. That’s what it is for me. And I don’t want to say that it comes easily to me, because I understand that it’s a life-long pursuit … and I know that going in.
Read MoreThe Mamba would write every day. I’m sure of it. If it was his pursuit, like it is mine, he’d implement a game-plan and execute it with the precision of certainty. That’s what the Mamba Mentality is after-all, isn’t it? To have the gumption, the discipline, the drive, the cojones to chase down your dreams until your reality seems like a fairytale of achievements.
Read MoreThe Mamba Mentality, you taught us that. The gumption, the desire and the willingness to shoot for the stars. You had the type of talent and skill that transcended that plane that you occupied. Your work ethic and discipline is universal. I strive for that level of dedication.
Read More“My advice is just don’t be too nice to niggas … just set the price so niggas’ll live your live, my nigga.”
Up until I just looked up the lyrics to this song (I should do that more often) I thought the second half of the bar was: ‘just set the price on niggas and live your life my nigga.’
Read More“A chunk of yesterday tryin’ to be today” - Rocky Balboa
Sylvester Stallone says this line during the movie, while playing Rocky and in reference to himself.
Read MoreYou should have a goal setting and achieving strategy. A fundamental system in place by which you can measure your accomplishments, or lack there of. A way to gauge yourself against your desires. Here are two different approaches, both of which I use interchangeably as I take aim toward a goal.
Read MoreLet me tell you what I know. I know that the answers are inside of us. I don’t know how I know, or even what I know, but I know they’re there. All of them. The answerable and the unanswerable.
Read MoreThe moments are what count. They’re the only things that do. Submerge yourself and drown in the moment. Let go, don’t resist, let it happen. Make your contribution and let yourself happen to it. Live your life feeling the synergy of your experiences.
Read MoreThere are different levels of reality. You know how they say perception is reality? That’s one. Another level or layer if you will, would be that intent is reality. The true intent of ones actions or inactions.
Read MoreCompletely clogged up like constipation.
Like a stuffed nose during flu season.
The 405 during rush hour hasn’t seen congestion like this.
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