The Burden of Betterment

There's something freeing about realizing that you're alone.  Not in a lonely sense, but in being uniquely you.  We all have this freedom but often times choose to imprison ourselves within the mental jails of assimilation.  Confining ourselves to mediocrity.  Afraid of becoming more than we thought we could ever be.  What we ought to realize is that the burden of betterment is on each and every one of us.  Especially those that are not yet willing to own what's there's and there's alone.  Collectively we're in this together which may cause hesitation to your input - Not knowing how and if it will be received can be discouraging to say the least.  Try to manifest the courage to actualize what you have to offer.  Set it free of your self imposed shackles and allow it to spark freedom in others.

~ Saturday 11.14.2015 @ 4:44pm  

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